Two years ago, we launched the My Church, My Home Campaign here in the parish. At that time, we presented three ways in which we sought to raise funds to help us to pay our debts and assist in reducing our operating deficit. Due to your prayers and generosity, we were successful in paying off all parish debts at that time. Thank you so much for your sacrificial giving to the parish!
Last year we asked for your continued prayers for the parish and did not seek any additional pledges to help us with our operating budget.
This year we turn to you once again. The parish is blessed to have two priests. We need both Fr. Gabino and me to meet the demands of the parish. We both greatly enjoy being here with you and with one another. However, priests do not come cheap! Many parishes do not have two priests because of the expense. The salary and benefits for one priest can be up to about $80,000 and this burden falls completely on the parish. The diocese does not contribute to this expense in any way.
At this time, Fr. Gabino and I are asking all to consider a pledge to assist in this cost. Our hope is to raise about $75,000 to help in this matter. Pledge forms and envelopes will be available for you at all Masses next week. In addition, we invite you to view a video that we have prepared to help explain the situation. You can view the video on our Facebook page after Sunday 1/19/25.
I ask you to prayerfully consider the pledge that you can make and especially ask for you prayers for the parish and for the success of this year’s My Church My Home Campaign.
God Bless, Fr. Brian