It is if... 1. You or they are not Baptized. 2. You or they were Baptized as a baby but have not received your First Communion and Confirmation. 3. You or they were Baptized in another Christian Church and want to become Catholic. Our RCIA group will help you through the process to receive your Sacraments, but the first step is to contact Chris Carmody [email protected] to find out more and answer your questions. We look forward to talking with you soon.
El programa de Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos está dirigido a adultos y niños mayores de 7 años que tienen preguntas sobre la fe católica y/o desean bautizarse. El programa está dirigido a las personas que no estén previamente bautizadas o estén bautizadas en otra tradición cristiana y desean convertirse en católicos o personas bautizadas católicas que necesitan la Primera Comunión y/o Confirmación. El primer paso es de contactar Chris Carmody [email protected]