This Sacrament is reserved for someone who is sick, soon to be having a major operation, or is close to death. If that is you or a loved one, please call us at our Collaborative Office so that we can have one of our priests come to visit you in your home or at the hospital - (781) 598-4907.
Guidelines for Anointing of the SickFor Children (6 years and younger) - Congratulations on your new child! Parents and Godparents are asked to attend the preparation class one time. We offer this class on the second Saturday of each month at 10:00am. The class can be completed before or after the child is born. A child may have one or two godparents (also called sponsors); if two are chosen, they must be male and female. In order for someone to be eligible as a godparent they must be chosen by the parents, have the ability and the intention to fulfill the role, be at least 16 years of age, be a Roman Catholic, already received the Most Holy Eucharist, and have received the Sacrament of Confirmation. They should be leading a life in harmony with the Catholic Faith and will be a good role model for the child being baptized, and be neither the father nor the mother of the child. At least one of the Godparents must meet the criterion. The other Godparent would be considered a "Christian Witness".
Parents of children over the age of 7 that would like their child baptized, the process is different than a Baptism as an infant. See below for RCIA information.Baptisms at Saint Mary of the Sacred Heart Parish are offered at Masses and the 3rd Saturday of each month is a Group Baptism and is a ceremony only.
Please call the Collaborative Office to sign up for the Baptism Preparation Session 781-598-4907 or email Lisa Foley, Family Evangelization Coordinator for English Baptisms or for more information or click below to submit a Baptism Inquiry.
To schedule a Baptism in Spanish please call the office at 781-598-4907 and chose the selection for Spanish, leave a message and someone will return your call or email [email protected]. Schedule subject to change due to Parish activities.
We have a wonderful RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) Program. This is specifically for adults who have questions about the Catholic faith and/or want to be Baptized and children over the age of seven.
Who is RCIA for:
1. Persons in need of Baptism.
2. Persons baptized in another Christian tradition who desire to become Catholic.
3. Persons baptized Catholic in need of First Communion and/or Confirmation.
Classes start in September and continue through Easter. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a journey too — of conversion to God and what He intends for us. RCIA is the process by which persons who were never baptized or were baptized in another Christian tradition, become members of the Church, a people on pilgrimage to our Heavenly Father. To find out more or with questions please call the Collaborative Office at (781) 598-4907 or email Chris Carmody.
Maybe you go often or haven't been for a while - not a problem! We offer Confessions weekly on Saturdays immediately following the 9:00am Mass at St. Mary's. You may also call the office for an appointment, 781-598-4907.
First Confession - We offer first Confession classes each fall for elementary school children. If you are an adult and interested in going to Confession for the first time, we can help with that too. Please call the office so that we can set a time to meet with you.
For Grades 6-12 - Our Confirmation program is a two-year program and runs twice a month throughout the school year. The Archdiocese has updated the guidelines and Confirmation is now administered in the Eighth Grade. However, we can adjust the timeline if you are already older. Click here for the current year's schedule.
For Adults - Many people were Baptized and received their first Communion when they were young but were not Confirmed. It's not too late! We want to help you receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, no matter what your age is. Please call the office so that we can set a time to meet with you.
If you would like to begin the process please email Chris Carmody at [email protected]
We celebrate the Sacrament of Communion at each and every Mass. Please join us any Sunday. We know that it can be intimidating to come to Mass when you don't know the prayers, the music, or when to sit and stand, but please know that we are here to help and are excited that you are taking the time to learn and be a part of our community. Click here for the current year's schedule and how to sign up.
First Communion - We offer first Communion classes each spring for elementary school children. If you are an adult and interested in receiving the Eucharist for the first time, we can help with that too. Please call the office so that we can set a time to meet with you.
The Sacrament of Holy Orders is when a man is ordained a deacon, priest, or bishop. Is God calling you to be one of His deacons or priests? Have you been thinking about being a priest and have questions? That's wonderful! Our priests would love to talk more with you. Please give us a call so that we can set up a time to get together.
Congratulations on your engagement! Weddings are done throughout the year, with meetings being set between the priest/deacon and the engaged couple. This is done 6-12 months before the date of your wedding. Remember to check with the church before finalizing your date and time! Please call the Parish Office at 781-598-4907 to make arrangements to meet with a Priest or Deacon.